Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) can be realized on many different technology platforms and used for numerous different applications. This course focuses on the so-called Thick-SOI platform and its use for sensing and imaging applications in the near and mid-infrared region. Primary focus is on 3 µm thick silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide technology, which is the most mature PIC technology platform at VTT. This platform is also available for small-to-medium volume contract manufacturing via VTT and there is a path to large-volume manufacturing via VTT's partners. Process design kits (PDKs) are available in multiple PIC design software platforms. An open-source version of the passive component PDK is available in Gdsfactory:
This one-day hands-on training course provides industry an overview of the Thick-SOI PIC platform and its feasibility in sensing and imaging applications. A clean room tour in Micronova offers an overview of the used fabrication methods and facilities. Hands-on training includes 1) the design of 3 µm SOI PICs using PIC design software, 2) General cleanroom visit and introduction to state-of-the-art manufacturing tools, and 3) PIC testing in the photonics measurement lab. The last part includes semi-automated fiber-to-waveguide alignment, optical beam steering with an optical phased array (OPA) and testing of other silicon photonic chips, such as external cavity lasers. The exact content of the hands-on training varies a bit for each training. It is not possible to attend the training online.
More details about the training, such as its schedule, trainers, location etc., can be found from the training details slide set (see separate link on this page).
Registration link to May 2024 trainings (2 alternative days):