Photovoltaics: Discovering the solar cell
PhotonHub Demo centre
Free-Space Photonic Components and Systems
Mobility & energy

Photovoltaics is a renewable energy source that allows the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity. The solar cell is its basic constituting element, based on a semiconductor material. The currently and extensively used solar cell device is primarily made of silicon and is known as 1st generation solar cell. A small part of the market is handled by the so-called 2nd generation solar cells that are made of various materials.

This one-day hands-on training provides industry, mainly those implementing photovoltaics, the basic knowledge on how a solar cell is functioning and what its specifications are related to.

The course will first address the working principle of photovoltaic conversion. Second part will link the physical principles to the macroscopic values that are given in solar cell specifications. Last part will be dedicated to the technology implementation and so to the  1st and 2nd generation variants.

The hands-on training will be made on a solar simulator, testing several kinds of solar cells and linking their obtained characterization results to the usually encountered specifications.

  • What is a solar cell, how it works?
  • What solar cell specifications are related to?
  • How can I recognize the different solar cell categories?
  • Learn how specifications are obtained (hand-on)

No experience
The training will be constructed in such a way as no particular knowledge in physics, electronics or photonics is required to follow. Some basic knowledge in electricity is nevertheless required, the one that is required to install photovoltaics panels. Course can be in French or English depending on the registered audience.
Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie
Villeneuve d'Ascq
includes catering and training consumables
up to 10 individuals
Hands-on session will be made by small groups. Preliminary laboratory access grant is mandatory. The on-line procedure will be sent to registered participants.
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